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Yasuhiro Sato
Chairman of Japan-China Investment Promotion Organization, Chairman of the Board of M
发布日期: 2021- 11- 29 信息来源:山东省商务厅
浏览次数: 字体:【

Yasuhiro Sato 

Chairman of Japan-China Investment Promotion Organization, 

Chairman of the Board of Mizuho Financial Group,

Economic Consultant of the Shandong Provincial Government

Born in 1950, Yasuhiro Sato graduated from Tokyo University, Japan. Mr. Sato joined the Industrial Bank of Japan (IBJ), predecessor of Mizuho Financial Group in 1976, and successively served as head of International Planning Department, Executive Director and President of Mizuho Bank, and Chief Executive Officer of Mizuho Financial Group. In April 2018, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Mizuho Financial Group. In March 2019, he served as an economic consultant for the Shandong Provincial People's Government.

Mizuho Financial Group is Japan's third largest financial group. In 2020, Mizuho Financial Group achieved a sales revenue of US $30.36 billion, ranking 406th among the Fortune Global 500 in 2021.



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