关于变更办公电话的公告   关于十一届省委第八轮巡视整改进展情况的通报   关于组织参加亚洲智慧城市、建材维修及基础建设产品展的通知  
Kyung Shik Sohn
Chairman of CJ Group, Chairman of the Korea Enterprises Federation
发布日期: 2021- 11- 29 信息来源:山东省商务厅
浏览次数: 字体:【

Kyung Shik Sohn

Chairman of CJ Group,

 Chairman of the Korea Enterprises Federation

Born in 1939, Mr. Kyung Shik Sohn worked at Samsung Electronics, and SAMSUNG FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE. He has served as the chairman of CJ Group since 1995, and the Chairman of the Korea Employers Federation (KEF) since 2018.

Mr. Sohn holds a Bachelor of Law from Seoul National University and a Master of Business Administration from Oklahoma State University, USA.

Founded in 1953, CJ is a global lifestyle company, with its core business in four major areas: food, bio technology,  entertainment and media, and logistics. In 2021, CJ Group ranked the 450th on the Fortune Global 500 List.



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