关于变更办公电话的公告   关于十一届省委第八轮巡视整改进展情况的通报   关于组织参加亚洲智慧城市、建材维修及基础建设产品展的通知  
Seung Hyun Oh
President of Hyundai Doosan Infracore Corporation
发布日期: 2021- 11- 29 信息来源:山东省商务厅
浏览次数: 字体:【

Seung Hyun Oh

President of Hyundai Doosan Infracore Corporation

Mr. Seung Hyun Oh is the co-representative director and president of Hyundai Doosan Infracore Corporation, holding a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering of Seoul National University.

He joined Daewoo Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. in 1989. In 2009, he was appointed as the head of China R&D Center of Doosan Infracore and consecutively served as the head of product design and vice president of product development. In July 2021, he took the current position.

Founded in 1937, Hyundai Doosan Infracore is the oldest and best machinery company in Korea, with its business covering two main fields: construction machinery and engines. On the basis, the company is developing new products such as electric excavators, battery packs, and hybrid fuel cells.



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