Zhang Maiwen

Executive Editor, FORTUNE China

Zhang Maiwen is the Executive Editor of Fortune China. In his earlier days, he won the “Best Story Award” from China Daily twice. Zhang also got MSc of Computer Science in Oxford University, the Certificates of "Building a Business" course from Said Business School, Oxford University, and Finance Media EMBA Fellowship Program from PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University.

Henry Robinson Luce founded FORTUNE magazine in 1930. Since the launch of the FORTUNE Global 500 list in 1955, it has been one of the most significant and impactful rankings to the economic and business community. FORTUNE CHINA was founded in 1996. FORTUNE CHINA seeks to establish itself as a publication written for Chinese, by Chinese, and about Chinese. It was and will be an unapologetic defender of globalization and the value of cross-border circulation of people, products, capital and ideas.

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