Fumiya Kokubu

CEO of Marubeni

Born in 1952 and graduated from Keio University. He joined Marubeni in 1975, and served successively as the second minister of the Petroleum Department, Deputy General Representative of China, General Manager and President of Marubeni in USA. In April 2019, he served as CEO of Marubeni Corporation and economic consultant to Shandong Provincial Government.

Marubeni is one of Japan’s five major general trading companies. Founded in 1858, it engages in trade and investment business in a wide range of fields such as grain and oil, daily life, raw materials, energy and metals, electric power and complete equipment, and transport aircraft. Its operation revenue in 2019 was 62.8 billion U.S. dollars, ranking 173th among the Fortune Global 500 in 2020.

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