Sung Yun-mo

Minister, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy

Sung Yun-mo, born in June 1963, master of Policy from Seoul National University and Doctor of Economic from University of Missouri. He has served in a number of South Korean government offices such as the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, and the Korean Intellectual Property Office. He has served as Administrator of the State Affair Office of South Korean presidents, Chief of Industrial Policy in the Ministry of Commerce,Industry and Energy, Minister Counsellor in the South Korean Mission in Geneva, Policy Officer of Backbone Enterprises in the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Director of Policy in the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, Policy Planner in the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Chief of the Office of Economic Adjustment and Director of the Korean Intellectual Property Office. He has been Minister of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy since September 2018. 

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